Olaf is evil

Olaf deck of death at the FireAnt

Disclaimer was disclaimed and we were off for a short warm-up mosey around the parking lot. @chaChing would have been proud.
A few hip and lower back hula-hoop dance moves before starting the real party.

The Thang:
Olaf’s deck of death,

a modified version of the famous Cadre Cleave crowd pleaser.

Each PAX drew a card from the deck and completed the exercise based on the cards suite and the rep count was determined by the value of the card. Instead of face cards being all a value of 10 we started with
Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, and Aces=14

Exercises were as follows:
Spades= 8 count bodybuilders
Clubs = Flutters, only count one leg, (right leg then left leg equals one), double-count I think? and don’t forget the ruck press
Diamonds = Thrusters, proper form required, (Ruck starts horizontal under the chin with elbows out, squat until elbows touch quads, press until arms fully straightened overhead.
Hearts = Overhead Single Leg Lunges. (right leg, left leg, equals one).

For added excitement, there were two jokers mixed into the deck. When pulled everyone stopped in the middle of the set and grabbed a tire carcass out of the back of my couponmobile, and shuffle a lap around the soccer field.

For the second joker, we added some cute little pieces of wood in addition to the tire carcass.

Everyone had a great time and we all learned a little bit about playing the hand we are dealt in life.

Thanks for the opportunity Router,
Stay frosty my friends!

TClap |

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